Boise High Schools

Are you an athletic director or coach? Would you like to give your student/athletes a memento that will last them a lifetime? Call or email today to inquire about a shoot for your team(s).

High School Athletes & Teams


Shooting My First Sunset in Boise, ID

Welcome to Doug Sooley Photography Boise ID

Now shooting in Boise, Idaho! Hi, glad you could visit. I hope you enjoy the photography. I have been taking pictures since I was ten years old and have a passion for creating unique and interesting photos…memories that will endure. If you would like to schedule some photography, the easiest way is to just fill out the contact form or just text me at the number below. I specialize in portraits, individual, family and sports. If you are interested in wedding photography, I only do very select shoots but I can refer you to some great wedding photographers. Thanks…DPS

New! Sports Composite Images

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Light Painting



Sports Portraits

Sports Teams

Sports Composites

Property Photography


Athlete & Team Composites


Portrait & Lifestyle Photography

A sampling of portrait and various lifestyle photoshoots.

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Sports Portraits

Unique Sports Portrait Photography

I strive to create life-long memories for athletes, using creative lighting and settings.

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High School Senior Portraits

If you are looking for quality senior portraits in Boise, Doug Sooley Photography offers you the perfect package.

Ultimately, you will find that your senior portraits are a reflection of you and your special achievement in graduating.

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Sports Composites

Taking Sports Photography to New Heights

Up your school team photos and have incredible individual student/athlete photos using sports composite photography.

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Various Select Landscape Photography

“Sometimes I do get to places just when God’s ready to have somebody click the shutter.” – Ansel Adams

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“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” –Ansel Adams

Sports Shoots RHS

If you are looking for school sports shoots, RHS Sports Proofs are online.

Click on Galleries to view.



“Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art.” – Ansel Adams